ASTU BTech Notes, 2nd Semester Engineering Mechanics EM

Welcome to our comprehensive resource for ASTU BTech 2nd Semester Engineering Mechanics (EM) Notes. If you're a student of Assam Science and Technology University (ASTU), you know how important it is to have clear and concise study materials for your coursework. Engineering Mechanics is a fundamental subject that lays the groundwork for understanding various engineering principles, making it essential to master its concepts.

In this article, we provide well-structured PDF notes that are designed to help you grasp key topics and prepare effectively for exams. These notes are tailored to the ASTU syllabus, ensuring that you have access to accurate and relevant information for your studies. Whether you're revising for an exam or catching up on missed classes, these notes serve as a valuable resource for your academic success.

Syllabus Covered

The Engineering Mechanics (EM) syllabus for ASTU’s BTech 2nd Semester is structured to provide a solid foundation in analyzing forces, understanding mechanical structures, and applying principles of motion and energy. Below is an overview of the modules covered in this subject, along with space for downloadable Google Drive links to the corresponding notes for each module.

Feel free to reach out through the comment box if you need notes or resources for any topics related to civil engineering—we’re here to help!

MODULE 1: Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies (6 Lectures)

  • Introduction, Free body diagram (FBD), Types of supports and their reactions
  • System of forces, Resultant of coplanar concurrent forces and non-concurrent force systems
  • Conditions of equilibrium:
    • (i) Concurrent forces in space
    • (ii) Non-concurrent forces in space

Download Link: [Google Drive Link]

MODULE 2: Analysis of Structures (3 Lectures)

  • Method of joints
  • Method of sections
  • Graphical methods

Download Link: [Google Drive Link]

MODULE 3: Friction (3 Lectures)

  • Introduction, Laws of Coulomb’s friction
  • Equilibrium of bodies involving dry friction
  • Inclined plane, ladder friction, wedge friction

Download Link: [Google Drive Link]

MODULE 4: Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia (6 Lectures)

  • Centre of gravity and centroid; location of centroid and centre of gravity
  • Moment of inertia of plane areas:
    • Parallel axis theorem
    • Perpendicular axis theorem
    • Mass moment of inertia, polar moment of inertia, radius of gyration, product of inertia
    • M.I. of simple and composite bodies

Download Link: [Google Drive Link]

MODULE 5: Lifting Machines (4 Lectures)

  • Introduction, Principles of machines
  • Reversibility of machines, lever, pulley, simple wheel, and axle

Download Link: [Google Drive Link]

MODULE 6: Virtual Work and Energy Method (4 Lectures)

  • Introduction, Virtual displacement
  • Principle of virtual work
  • Application of virtual work

Download Link: [Google Drive Link]

MODULE 7: Impulse, Momentum, Work, and Energy (4 Lectures)

  • Linear impulse and momentum
  • Principle of work-energy conservation

Download Link: [Google Drive Link]

Bonus: Engineering Mechanics Solved Questions

Each module is curated to help you focus on key concepts and problem-solving techniques. Simply follow the provided links to access the PDF notes for individual topics. These resources are perfect for revision and understanding complex ideas effectively!

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